Fire Warden and Fire Marshals
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Roles of Fire Wardens and Fire Marshals in Fire Safety
Overview of Fire Warden and Fire Marshal Roles
Fire wardens and fire marshals play vital roles in ensuring fire safety compliance within businesses:
- Designated Responsibilities: Assigned to assist in maintaining fire safety under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order.
- Fire Warden: Primary role is to support the responsible person in fire safety management.
- Fire Marshal: Assists fire wardens during evacuations, typically stationed across different areas of the building.
Fire Warden Duties
Key responsibilities of fire wardens include:
- Regular Inspections: Daily checks on fire doors, escape routes, and alarm systems to ensure functionality.
- Evacuation Planning: Collaboration with the responsible person to develop and test evacuation procedures.
- Fire Equipment Maintenance: Ensuring fire extinguishers are in place, unobstructed, and functional.
- Risk Assessment: Identifying and mitigating potential fire hazards within the workplace.
- Training Coordination: Working with fire marshals to ensure all staff are trained in fire safety protocols.
Fire Marshal Responsibilities
Fire marshals support fire wardens in emergency situations:
- During Evacuation: Ensuring prompt and orderly evacuation of designated areas during drills and real fire events.
- Securing Premises: Checking and closing doors and windows, reporting any issues to fire wardens or emergency services.
- Assembly Point Management: Gathering evacuees at designated fire assembly points and maintaining accountability.
- Compliance and Training: Following company policies and procedures, including participation in fire safety briefings and training sessions.
Education and Training
Fire wardens also have an educational role:
- Safety Briefings: Conducting fire safety inductions for new and existing staff, covering evacuation routes, equipment use, and emergency procedures.
- Information Dissemination: Ensuring clear communication of fire safety information in an understandable format.
- Question Handling: Encouraging staff to ask questions and clarify doubts during training sessions to enhance preparedness.
Effective fire safety management relies on proactive roles of fire wardens and fire marshals to safeguard workplaces and occupants.
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