CO2 Extinguishers
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How to Use a CO2 Extinguisher
Safety Considerations
When handling a CO2 extinguisher, keep these safety tips in mind:
- Cold Gas: The extinguisher contains extremely cold gas that can freeze skin on contact. Avoid touching the horn directly.
- Application: Hold the extinguisher by the body, not the horn, and apply in short, sharp bursts.
- Distance: After discharge, move away from the fire to avoid inhaling the CO2.
Using the CO2 Extinguisher
Follow these steps to effectively use a CO2 extinguisher:
- Position the extinguisher upright.
- Aim the horn towards the base of the fire.
- Press the handle firmly to release CO2.
- Apply in short bursts to suffocate the fire.
- Continue until the fire is completely out.
Recommended Use
CO2 extinguishers are ideal for:
- Electrical Fires: Use CO2 on fires involving electrical equipment where water could pose a risk.
- Small, Confined Fires: Effective for smouldering fires in confined spaces like computer units or behind appliances.
Always assess the situation and ensure proper ventilation when using a CO2 extinguisher.
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