Active and Passive
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Fire Protection Systems: Active vs Passive
Active Fire Protection
Active fire protection systems are crucial for immediate fire response:
- Sprinkler Systems: Automatically activate to extinguish and contain fires.
- Foam Systems: Designed to suppress and control fires upon activation.
- Immediate Response: Activate automatically to mitigate fire risks swiftly.
Passive Fire Protection
Passive fire protection measures focus on containment and fire spread prevention:
- Fire Doors: Designed to resist fire and prevent its spread.
- Firewalls: Structural barriers to contain fires within specific areas.
- Non-flammable Coatings: Applied to materials to prevent combustion.
- Integrated Design: Often incorporated during building construction or renovations.
Both active and passive fire protection systems are tailored to each building:
- Custom Implementation: Must be meticulously planned for effectiveness.
- Risk Assessment: Assess the level of fire risk to determine necessary protections.
- Appropriate Systems: Implement systems according to BS standards and workplace needs.
While some workplaces, like typical offices, have low fire risks, basic fire systems should still be in place:
- Standard Fire Safety: Alarms, extinguishers, and blankets for everyday safety.
- Advanced Systems: Use where high fire risks are present, ensuring compliance.
Employers must ensure active and passive fire protection systems are compliant and strategically placed.
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