Facts About Extinguishers
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Considerations and Effectiveness of Fire Extinguishers
Considerations Before Using Fire Extinguishers
Before using any fire extinguisher, several considerations must be taken into account:
- Confined Spaces: Powder and CO2 extinguishers pose risks of choking in confined areas. Consider alternative options like water or foam based on risk assessments.
Effectiveness of Fire Extinguishers in the UK
According to the Chief Fire Officers Association:
- 83% of fires in the UK were successfully extinguished using fire extinguishers.
Factors contributing to their effectiveness:
- Immediate presence and training of personnel on-site.
- Effective for dealing with fires in their early stages, typically up to the size of a waste paper bin.
Fire Safety Procedures
In the event of a fire, follow these recommended procedures:
- Dial 999 to alert the fire brigade.
- Evacuate the building immediately.
- If safe to do so and within the capability of trained personnel, attempt to extinguish the fire.
Key points to remember:
- Always prioritise life safety over property.
- Preferably, use fire extinguishers in pairs for safety assessment.
- Both individuals must agree it is safe to tackle the fire; otherwise, evacuate and await professional assistance.
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