Personnel Records

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Fire Safety Records and Evacuation Procedures

1. Signing In and Out

It's crucial to maintain accurate records of building occupants:

  • Sign In: Whether digital or physical, employees must sign in upon arrival.
  • Sign Out: Employees should sign out when leaving, even for breaks, to maintain up-to-date records.
  • Visitors: Visitors must also sign in and out and wear identification badges.

2. Ensuring Safe Evacuation

During evacuations, these records are essential:

  • Accountability: Fire Wardens or Marshals use the register to ensure everyone is evacuated safely.
  • Register Importance: A forgotten sign out could lead to unnecessary risks if someone is thought to be inside during a fire.

3. Fire Assembly Point

After evacuating, remain at the assembly point until advised otherwise:

  • Wait for Safety: Do not leave the assembly point until instructed by the fire service.

Following these procedures ensures the safety of all building occupants and visitors during fire emergencies.