Hot Works

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Fire Risk Prevention in Hot Work Activities

Understanding Hot Work Activities

Hot work involves activities that generate heat, such as cutting, welding, and soldering, posing significant fire risks.

Risks Associated with Hot Work

Hot work can ignite combustible materials and cause asphyxiation due to gases and toxic fumes, particularly in environments with flammable substances.

Regulations and Safety Measures

Special regulations govern hot work to mitigate fire risks and ensure workplace safety:

  • Risk Assessments: Hot work activities must be covered comprehensively in workplace risk assessments.
  • Control Measures: Hot work should be a last resort, with additional controls under COSHH if hazardous substances are involved.
  • Standard Operating Procedures: Activities should follow established procedures or require a permit to work, depending on risks.
  • Competency and Training: Only authorised and trained personnel should conduct hot work, aware of hazards and safety protocols.

Safe Execution and Post-Work Procedures

During and after hot work, safety precautions are crucial:

  • Preparation: Ensure the work area is safe and precautions are in place before starting.
  • Monitoring: Regular checks during work and post-work inspections, typically after 1 hour, to detect any potential hazards.
  • Cleanup: Properly clean and secure the work area after completion to prevent residual risks.