Evacuation Chairs
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Evacuation Procedures for People with Reduced Mobility
Importance of Evacuation Planning
Part of a comprehensive fire risk assessment includes planning for evacuating individuals during emergencies:
- Assessing Evacuation Routes: Evaluate how to safely evacuate individuals from buildings during a fire.
- Special Arrangements: Make provisions for people with mobility needs, such as assisting wheelchair users downstairs.
- Inclusive Planning: Consider the evacuation needs not only for employees but also for visitors.
Challenges of Evacuating Individuals with Reduced Mobility
Evacuating individuals with reduced mobility poses specific challenges, especially in buildings:
- Lift Limitations: Lifts cannot be used during fires due to power failure, potentially trapping occupants.
- Role of Evacuation Chairs: Evacuation chairs positioned near stairs provide a means to safely transfer individuals.
- Effective Use: Operators strap individuals into evacuation chairs, ensuring readiness for evacuation.
- Training Requirements: Note that using evacuation chairs requires specific training; separate courses are necessary.
Understanding evacuation procedures for individuals with reduced mobility is crucial for fire safety:
- Ensure Readiness: Have evacuation chairs available and trained personnel to use them effectively.
- Further Information: Contact us for details on purchasing and training for evacuation chairs.
Proper planning and equipment ensure the safety of all building occupants during emergencies.
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