Breakdown of a Fire Extinguisher

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2 min 46 sec
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Fire Extinguisher Components and Operation

Understanding Fire Extinguisher Mechanics

We'll take a detailed look at the internal components of a fire extinguisher to understand its operation.

Activating the Extinguisher

The initial step to activate the extinguisher involves twisting the pin. This pin must be removed to initiate the extinguishing process.

The tag securing the pin is a rip-tie mechanism. Once removed, it indicates the extinguisher has been tampered with if broken or missing.

Internal Components

The main components inside include:

  • Main Pipe: Through which the extinguishing agent (e.g., water, foam) is propelled.
  • Gas Cylinder: Provides pressure to expel the extinguishing agent, similar to a soda stream mechanism.
  • Activation: Squeezing the handle punctures the seal on the gas cylinder, releasing pressure to discharge the agent.


When activated:

  • Pressure forces the extinguishing agent up through the pipe.
  • The agent is expelled through the main nozzle to extinguish the fire.

Maintenance and Safety Tips

  • Regularly check extinguishers for tampering, broken pins, or damage.
  • Professional Servicing: Only qualified personnel should service extinguishers. If in doubt, seek assistance from your company's approved service provider.